Sunday, December 31, 2006

Close to you

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

All in all

All that I want

It is in

All that I see

It is you

Saturday, December 23, 2006

scent is the binding of sense

Beloved to my eye . . You are . now as the scent is too
Be with a honeysuckle in binding what is the character
of rural England . . .together

Without which nothing could ever . . be quite the same
memory again . . tomorrow

Thursday, December 21, 2006

love to enjoy

I wish you were mine
to enjoy

Time with no inhibition
as light

Does the day embrace
a freedom

To hold by living What
is life

back pages

I turn back the pages
with Hope to hold always

Your poignant memory that
I will ever treasure in love

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

As light that can not be hid

I hold for you the words

as a distant light that even

the horizon can not hide

the flower you passed

You are as one without whom the poet has nothing to say
Your`s is the light the artist finds to colour his canvas with
The image that is you was the lost chord a musician found
To play with
As an aura of scent it is inspiration to the heart you bring

The words they fall like summer rain
I am just an humble guy with nothing
But the words collected as petals fallen from this
Flower`s head that you caught as you passed by

Thursday, December 14, 2006

yet in the light

I can not own the Sun
and you are not mine
to enjoy

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

love held

My love you own

As a flower to hold

dreams hold not - any security

If I could but hold you in life Now the dreams
of my heart would no longer be as were those
old silent movies that once were

To see You as the fun that I desire Now would
my heart unfold but there is a problem I have

not the wealth for your security

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

starlight like hope

As starlight that twinkles on a river

in a moment . . . . . . I am gone